About me

I’m Antonio Cuart an abroad student at the University of Westminster for one semester. I’m studying Law & Journalism in Madrid at the Universidad San Pablo CEU. The reason this blog has been created is because of a project for New Features Comment: Reporting & Writing in a Multi-Platform World.

I was born in Mallorca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

Mallorca Map

Now I live in Madrid where I’m studying, Spain’s capital.

Madrid Map

I am in the last year of my studies and I decided to go to London on an EU exchange programme called Erasmus to study abroad.

London Map

Here in London I’m taking classes in New Features Comment: Reporting & Writing in a Multi-Platform World. The raison d’être of this project. I have to reflect on the following issue:

Has Donald Trump damaged America’s standing in the world – or has he delivered on his campaign slogan, and made America Great Again?

For that I have to write a News story and an Opinion piece that are available in this blog.